All purchases are final. No returns, no exchanges. You are responsible for all charges incurred under your account, whether made by you or another person using your account. If for any reason Claudia Mae, LLC does not receive payment for a purchase, or if payment is found to be fraudulent, Claudia Mae, LLC may exercise its rights in law and equity, including (a) seeking collection of the outstanding amount owed; and/or (b) seeking legal action against you for the breach of these Terms. You are also responsible for paying any governmental taxes imposed in connection with the purchase. To the extent that Claudia Mae, LLC is obligated to collect such taxes, the applicable tax will be added to your billing account. All sales are final. For any refund requests, please email Claudia Mae, LLC has the right to make decisions regarding refunds on a case-by-case basis, and Claudia Mae, LLC will refund such purchases with credits toward future Claudia Mae purchases.